If you have suddenly found yourself unexpectedly in the role of home educator for your child or children, take a breath, try to relax and be calm.
Although becoming your child's 'school teacher' may seem like an overwhelming challenge right now, with a little bit of guidance and some time tested advice, it can be transformed into a truly fun and rewarding experience for both you and your family.
The most important first step is to understand that you don't have to start right this second, or even today, or even this week.
You have the time to learn how to begin, get yourself organised, plan your approach and gather your resources.
Your child's future prospects will not be hampered by you taking the time you need to prepare yourself effectively.
In school, your child was probably one of over twenty children.
Even if you have multiple children in your family, the ratio of pupils to teacher will be massively to their advantage; meaning far more can be achieved in much less time.
So take a breath, try to relax and stay calm. There is far less urgency than you might think.
Perhaps begin by taking some lovely country walks with your child or children during which you can discuss what subjects they enjoy the most and what their favourite ways of learning are.
Children learn best from example, so show them how calm and relaxed yet positive and self assured you can be.
Take a few calming deep breaths, then you can return to the home page to continue.